git diff pawelsawicz-cv

I am back! with brand new blog post! Too much time I have been waiting for releasing my new CV but now after few reviews done by mine friends I am ready to write about it, maybe it will help you 🙂

As you remember at the beginning of march 2013 I was looking for a job as .NET Developer, that was very enlightening time and had showed my weakness and fields to improve myself, CV was one of that thing.

  • Header



In this section I had made changes by resize big title of my name to smaller one, next step was to create a title of document and add date of releasing this document. Date of releasing of the document is very important because, it shows you how new, or updated document is.

  • Personal information



I had deleted some information from this section, like who cares where I live ? I am ready to re-locate anywhere! Birthday information is deleted too, because age don’t define my skills, probably it can define domains wisdom, especially, on how many fields I had worked.

What’s new ? github account. Like I said before I wanna expand my OSS activity, so I think it’s good idea to show my code blocks, furthermore within few months I became github junky

  • Work experience



I rebuilt this section by changing  description listing, to sentence, that are formed up as infinitive. moreover current job position is updated.

  • Education

Without changes, still undergraduate – just 2 semester left and checkpoint! (I will get my BSc)

  • Skills



Yeah, most rebuilt section at all, first of all I’ve deleted this weird gradation (basic, intermediate and expert) and have replaced with content that actually tells you on what technologies I am working at. Moreover I have added fundamental knowledge. To change this section I was forced by one of the interview, and actually they had right, because what tells you if someone has got C# at expert mode ? that he’s a f**ing awesome as Jon Skeet ?

  • Activities



Few new activities that I have made, like dotNetConfPL. Furthermore have added projects for Imagine Cup.

  • Projects


New section for my commercial and non-commercial projects, as you know  lately I was involved in projects for conferences, at this year I will do more and better.


My CV is available at : so everything is versioned and you can watch my progress 🙂 About things I learnt today, first of all, font on your CV should be a sans-serif, because generally people reads CV on computer, so this font looks better on screen. Second of all, your senescence should be in infinitive form. I want to thanks everyone who have reviewed my CV and gave me a feedback (especially @francmichal, and @JakubJedryszek).