Windows Azure Developer Challenge

Quick info! There is a event which is already running, but there is still chance to get a prize, event is named “Windows Azure Developer Challenge” we pass through five steps. On each step we have chance to get 64GB Surfece (for US citizen) or cash equivalent for (2,1k $, outside US). Organiser of this event is codeproject, over 16.000$ is to give away so go register ourselves!

@Edit: First stage was extended for a week!

Async and RESTSharp

tl;tr; Examples of using Async method of RESTSharp, and comments

As I mentioned last time I was forced to use async architecture because Windows Phone require it. I was newbie in async programming but when I met RESTSharp, it clear everything, I will show you some code block with my comment for it. Basics, and how to connect to Web API check this blogpost

If we want execute GET.

We have to remember that async method is runs in brand new thread! First we have to set REST request, type here your api path, and what method, for this case it will be GET. r.Data is deserialised List of Locations.

If we want execute POST

Here we fill body of our REST request, we add new object which will provide information that we want to POST.

If we want execute DELETE

Now we have to add parameter to URL so our request for example will be “”, and method DELETE

If we want to update (PUT)

In this case we have to provide object which will replace old one, by using of AddObject method. And finally we can execute our request.

Most of you will ask me, how works this part. If we want to execute method ExecuteAsync<T>(). As a first argument we have to provide request. Second argument is CallBack – what we want to do when data will be received, so we can put here some MessageBox, event for logger or simply bind our given data.

In next episode we will be checking, is there any possibility to mix REST a XNA,

Codeguru and .NET community

For few days I’m official member of codeguru redaction. I hope the cooperation will be delightful. I would like to make some changes, if headmaster will agree with me, as many of you know, present codeguru died, and I think all of us can help to rebirth like a phoenix.

I think  the .NET Poland community is still small if we compare to other countries . Thanks for procent blogpost I can seen how he has got power of influence to people after his blogpost I got 10 more followers at twitter and I think there was more “coming out” due to his blogpost.

We need someone like Scott Hanselman here in Poland, someone who give kick, and it could be a starter for someone, also I think the cure for this cancer is better commitment of Microsoft PL. Because we all know that there is a plenty of .NET Group (Academical) and for once of a year Imagine Cup – it’s a very great event, well done! MS especially people from department in Poland!. Since 2012 they ran a “SNT” where young people (from high schools) learn about .NET technology. But it’s still not enough because after graduate when you go to company MS forgets about you, no events, no fun from coding just poor stagnation like a Chinese factory worker. In conclusion if MS give a example and commitment, I think we can change other companies or corporations, here in Poland, big companies, they need a lifeless worker and they get this because people agree with it.

So let’s change it TOGETHER! Let’s start rebellion against stagnation in our community let’s help weaker coder to come out and encourage them to participate in colourful life of coder 🙂


As a student of second year of BSc, with help of my friends, we want to start frequently hackatons here in Wroclaw for every one, for every technology! More info about event will be in end of April or start of May.

This blogpost doesn’t recommend aggression 🙂 it’s just mine interpretation.